Get a 400%
Higher Contract Rate

with our Live Transfer Motivated Seller Leads

Our leads are more than just a list of names and numbers, they’re exclusive, ready-to-sign sellers. That’s why we get an *average 400% higher contract rate for our clients compared to leading competitors!

real estate investorsReal Estate
fix and flipFix & Flip

Contact us today and start signing more deals.

Market-Specific Leads Anytime You Need Them

Don’t waste another moment sifting through dead-end leads. We leverage direct contacts and industry know-how to deliver fully-screened, motivated seller leads to you on a silver platter.

Why Choose LeadBanc?

Lead Delivery

With LeadBanc, you get access to high-quality leads delivered directly to you in real-time. Whether it’s a live call transfer or straight into your CRM, we ensure you never miss out on valuable opportunities.

Qualified Leads.
Predictable Results

Stop wasting time on dead-end leads. Our team meticulously screens and selects only the most motivated sellers who are eager to sell fast. Say goodbye to low-quality leads and hello to higher conversion rates.

Close Rates

We boast an impressive 40-60% contract rate, far surpassing industry standards. By choosing LeadBanc, you’re setting yourself up for more closed deals and increased profitability.

Specific Leads

Geo-targeting available. Choose your preferred locations and we’ll do the rest. We understand that success in real estate is all about location, and we’re here to cater to your unique needs.

Payment Process

Rest easy knowing that payments made with LeadBanc are 100% secure. Your financial information is protected so you can focus on what matters most – closing deals.

Marketing Expertise

No more chasing after leads – let them come directly to you! We know exactly how to find, qualify, and deliver the highest quality leads. Our streamlined process saves you time and energy.

Close more deals now!

Questions? We’re here to help.

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We leverage multi-channel marketing campaigns, key SEO strategies, and direct contacts to generate leads. Then, we personally qualify each lead to ensure that they are highly-motivated to sell.

You can receive leads via live transfer during a phone call with our team, or you can have them sent directly to your CRM. We integrate with all CRMs, including but not limited to Podio, Zoho CRM, InvestorFuse, PipeDrive, REI reply, SalesForce, Rethink, Hubspot, and PropertyBase.

If you have a question about whether we can integrate with your CRM, please contact us.

We laser-focus on quality so you can expect to close a higher amount of our leads (compared to competing lead generation companies). The amount of leads you can expect each month depends heavily on your budget, but our leads have an average 40% close rate, with some of our clients seeing closer to 60%!

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Ready to See the Difference Quality Leads can make?

Say goodbye to mediocre leads and hello to a new era of success where quality matters.

Contact us today, and let’s get the leads rolling in…